City of Logan Profile

With the significant existing infrastructure to service a growing population, including a major hospital, major tertiary education facilities, growing housing stock and major transport links, Logan is well-positioned to support the growing South-East Queensland region and attract a wide range of industry and development.

For the 2022/23 financial year, Logan was the fastest Local Government Area in Queensland, with a growth rate of 4.1%.

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957 km²

Land Area

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Gross Regional Product

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Local Jobs

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Estimated Resident Population is currently 377,773 (30 June 2023), with the projected population to exceed 500,000 by 2036. Logan and neighbouring Ipswich are predicted to grow more (by percentage) than any other council region in SEQ in the next 20 years. Two of Queensland’s Priority Development Areas (Greater Flagstone and Yarrabilba) will be home to 170,000 people in the next 20 to 30 years – slightly less than half of the city’s total growth.

Land Use

The City of Logan is a growing residential area, with substantial rural, rural-residential, commercial and industrial areas. Logan encompasses a total land area of about 957 square kilometres. Rural areas are located mainly in the southern, western and eastern edges of the city.

Gross Regional Product

Logan City’s Gross Regional Product (GRP) was $16.45b as of the 30th June 2023. GRP has risen 18.5% since 2018.


There were 126,317 jobs located in the City of Logan in the year ending June 2023. This is an increase of 4.63% from the end of June 2022, and an increase of 14.8% since 2018.


Logan has a labour force of around 201,000 and access to a regional catchment of over 3 million.


An analysis of the output by industry sectors in the City of Logan in 2022/23 shows the four largest industries were:

  • Construction ($6.7 billion or 22.6%)
  • Manufacturing ($4.18 billion or 14.1%)
  • Health Care and Social Assistance ($2.65 billion or 8.9%)
  • Transport, Postal and Warehousing (2.01 billion or 6.8%)

In combination, these four industries accounted for $15.54 billion in total or 52% of the total output by total industry in Logan.

Growth industries include Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services (+$389 million over 5 years), Public Administration and Safety (+$244 million over 5 years), Wholesale Trade (+$214 million over 5 years), and Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services (+$183 million over 5 years).


Development data from City Pulse

At Logan City Council, we recognise the vital role of accurate and timely data on land use, development, and building activity. To ensure we stay informed, we have established a dedicated Research and Monitoring Unit – City Pulse within the Economic Development and Strategy Branch. This unit’s primary responsibility is to monitor the City’s growth and key indicators, allowing us to make informed decisions and support sustainable development.

Demographic and Economic data from id.profile

Demographic and Economic data for the City of Logan can be accessed via, which provides access to a range of different datasets to build a cohesive story of the local economy, how it is changing and how it compares to other areas. Information on is useful for Logan businesses, investors, and not-for-profit organisations to aid decision-making and to help with reporting, grant writing and marketing activities.

cover of international education capability guide


City of Logan International Education Capability Guide

The City of Logan International Education Capability Guide showcases some of the educational institutions that welcome international students. This included Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Tertiary/Vocational institutions.

View the City of Logan International Education Capability Guide

Also available:

City of Logan Food Capability Guide

View the City of Logan Food Capability Guide

group of people sitting at a table in a meeting room looking at presentation on screen

International Relations

Logan Office of Economic Development has established a Global Connections Strategy with the purpose of further developing economic development and commercial benefits. This will be achieved by ensuring that business, industry and the community benefit from targeted international economic development activities.

Logan City Council is committed to generating strong, long term relationships between the City of Logan and international partners. Sister city and economic and friendship agreement exchange activities include ongoing student exchange programs as well as new initiatives in the fields of culture, business, education and government.

Image_City of logan overlool with text "Economic Development Strategy 2022-2027" on top

Economic Development Strategy

The Logan City Council 2022-2027 Economic Development Strategy sets out actions to promote and create opportunities for businesses, encourage investment, increase employment and generate prosperity for the City of Logan.

aerial photo of Berrinba Industrial Estate

Employment Lands Strategy

The Employment Lands Strategy 2020 sets out Council’s vision and strategy for employment land. Key objectives of the strategy are to optimise employment land, to facilitate existing and new business and industry opportunities, and to provide employment choices for Logan residents.

Night Time Economy Strategy

Logan City Council’s Night Time Economy Strategy is a framework to grow our city’s night time economy through practical actions to promote a geographical spread of diverse evening activity, encourage widespread community participation, and improve safety, amenity, social and economic vitality of our city at night.