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2023 Growing Queensland Business Roadshows – Webinar
8 February 2024 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
- Free
Whether you are a small, medium or large business, a current supplier or a potential supplier to government, you can choose how you make the most of this event.
The webinar will consist of a series of Improvement Technique Talks (ITT) that share information to help build your business and improve your experience in working with government; followed by an opportunity for webinar attendees to participate in a Q&A session with government subject matter experts.
During the Q&A session, participants will be asked to type their questions into the ‘Q&A feature’ located at the top of the webinar screen. Further instructions will be provided during the webinar.
- 10.30 am: Welcome
- 10.35 am: ITT (1) – Q2032 Procurement Strategy and other key government initiatives
- 10.45 am: ITT (2) – Business improvement and getting ready
- 10.55 am: ITT (3) – Queensland Procurement Platform: One-stop shop for procurement
- 11.05 am: ITT (4) – Preparing your business for the future
- 11.15 am: ITT (5) – Increase participation in supply chains
- 11.25 am: Q&A Panel
- 12.00 pm: Webinar close
Video and photography consent: The webinar will be recorded for internal use by the Department of Energy and Public Works. Photographs, footage and recordings shall be the sole property of the Queensland Government and may be used on our websites, social media channels and for marketing purposes.
Privacy notice: The Department of Energy and Public Works (the ‘Department’) is committed to the fair collection and safe handling of personal information in accordance with the Queensland Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act).
The Department is collecting personal information through this form to inform the development of future buyer and supplier communication strategies. This includes establishing a departmental register of our customers for the purpose of initiating future contact with you for a directly related service including:
attendance lists
event cancellation notifications
thank you emails and for future communications regarding upcoming events.
Limited personal information may be used for related research, policy or planning functions. Unless authorised or required by law, your personal information will not otherwise be disclosed to any other third party without your consent. Read more about Information Privacy on our Department of Energy and Public Works website at epw.qld.gov.au/about/information-privacy.