City of Logan benefits from SEQ City Deal
Improved transport connections and new community facilities are on the way for the City of Logan following the announcement yesterday of a $1.8 billion South East Queensland (SEQ) City Deal.
Planning for priority transport and lifestyle projects will be kick-started through $78.46 million in funding, while more than $400 million in regional funding will be accessible for future infrastructure projects.
City of Logan Mayor Darren Power said the investment highlighted the crucial role Logan will play in the future prosperity of Queensland and Australia.
“Logan City Council was the first local government to formally approve our SEQ City Deal commitments, recognising the benefits coordinated investment would give our rapidly growing city,” Cr Power said.
“The initial investment will launch priority projects across the city, including initial investment of $46 million towards better transport connections into the Meadowbrook Health Precinct and planning on the Southern Gateway Corridor.
“This investment in Meadowbrook will improve the connection between major transport projects in the region, adding to the important works already underway in Meadowbrook, including the expansion of the hospital and the relocation of the Loganlea train station.
“The investment in a business case for the Southern Gateway Corridor will be the critical first step in opening the next section of employment land in the city, ensuring our region remains the best place to invest.”

The Australian Government, Queensland Government and Logan City Council will support the revitalisation of the Loganlea/Meadowbrook precinct through improved connectivity and mobility investments. Image: Artists impression of a future Meadowbrook
Cr Power said Council’s community infrastructure would receive an investment of $32.46 million as part of the SEQ Liveability Fund.
“This means Council will be able to deliver improved community facilities such as pools, libraries, performing arts centres and sport centres to cater for our future community needs,” he said.
He said while it was disappointing that Logan missed out on an Olympic venue in the initial draft Master Plan for 2032, Council was actively working with the Queensland and Australian governments to capitalise on opportunities leading into the Olympics. This includes developing a Roadmap to 2032.
“The SEQ City Deal is a good start, and we look forward to progressing opportunities as our city continues to grow,” he said.
“As one of the fastest growing regions in the country, the City of Logan ticks so many boxes and we will continue to push our case to unlock the Olympic potential in our city.”
Cr Power said the City of Logan would benefit from a $20 million regional funding pool set aside for Green Urban Infrastructure – enabling Council to improve street scaping and boosting our green canopy to improve heat mitigation across the city.
The prioritisation of a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in the City of Logan as part of the Sub-Regional Waste Alliance with Redland City Council and Ipswich City Council is also underway
“We know our communities want a cleaner, greener environment and this combined approach will further the South East’s transformation to a more sustainable region,” Cr Power said.
The $150 million Innovation Economy Fund and $40 million Local Digital Priority Projects will be other key funding pools Council can access to support existing innovation initiatives and projects.
The SEQ City Deal also includes:
- $5 million to jointly identify the infrastructure and land-use planning needed to keep pace with population growth
- $2.1 million to improve transport and freight route planning and to identify priorities for infrastructure investment to increase service reliability and safety along critical routes such as the Mt Lindsay Highway
- $40 million over the next five years towards delivering priority, on-ground works to improve the overall health and resilience of local rivers and waterways through the Council of Mayors (SEQ) Resilient Rivers initiative.
The SEQ City Deal is a 20-year partnership between the Australian Government, Queensland Government and 11 Councils, which make up the Council of Mayors (SEQ). It provides a shared commitment to transform SEQ and deliver region-shaping infrastructure.
The SEQ City Deal will deliver a significant foundation investment of more than $1.8 billion that will generate thousands of local jobs, boost digital and transport connectivity, enhance liveability and support one of the fastest growing regions in the country.