Logan Village Green Masterplan to deliver for community
A new playground inspired by the designs and input from local children will be the centrepiece of an upcoming refurbishment at Logan Village Green.
A temporary pop-up coffee shop, upgrades to the RSL cenotaph and new signage are also included in the Logan Village Green Master Plan adopted by Logan City Council.
The design of the playground has commenced and the project is earmarked for completion by the end of the year.

Logan Village Playground Visualisation
In the 2018/19 Budget, Council endorsed $2 million for the Logan Village Implementation Fund over three years to support the planning, detailed design, management and delivery of priority projects identified from the Logan Village Forum.
The Master Plan follows extensive community consultation and is a key outcome of the 2018 Forum which identified upgrades to the Logan Village Green as a high priority project.
Council obtained a $500,000 funding grant for the Activation, Embellishment and Upgrade of the Logan Village Green under the Building Better Regions Fund Round 3.
The Master Plan includes a future multi-purpose community facility, an outdoor stage and upgraded events space for live music.
Future plans also include a feasibility study for a multi-functional community centre and design of a new ‘main street’ along the Village Green.
Improved signage and street furniture, a visitor information facility and a coordinated events program will position the area as a regional tourism destination.
Logan City Council Director Strategy and Sustainability, David Hansen, said the projects signalled an exciting new era for the Logan Village community.
“The community told us what they wanted and Council has responded,” Mr Hansen said.
“The renewal of this iconic hub will create a destination for people outside of Logan to visit. It has been designed by the community, for the community and visitors to the city.”
Mr Hansen said improved amenity through tree planting, new paving, signage and new feature lighting, and improved connectivity through pedestrian and cycle ways would provide a family-oriented destination.
A ‘Meet the Place Manager’ open day was held in Logan Village and provided an opportunity for interested parties to meet officers and discuss the draft Master Plan.
During the consultation period, 493 people visited the website and written submissions from 35 individuals and organisations were received.
To find out more, please download the Logan Village Green Master Plan (PDF 9.8 MB).