Outdoor Furniture and Parklet Trial

The Outdoor Furniture and Parklet Trial encourages businesses in Logan to try footpath and outdoor dining. Council will temporarily provide to successful applicants a parklet and/or outdoor furniture and assistance with footpath dining permit applications at no cost, in return for commitment from business to trade outside, and for longer hours.

Outdoor dining is a smart way to expand your business offering and customer base. Take advantage of our unique climate and relaxed lifestyle to offer customers outdoor dining and the sun and stars. Our city’s families want more to see and do outside in our streets, plazas and public spaces during the evening, 6-9pm.

This is part of a strategy to build the night-time economy in the City of Logan. We are looking for committed businesses to partner with to expand outdoor dining in Logan.

Businesses can choose to participate in:

  1. Parklet trials
  2. Outdoor furniture trials
  3. Combination of parklet and outdoor furniture trials

The Outdoor Furniture and Parklet Trial will run from August 2024 – June 2025. Expressions of interest open 1 July and close 31 August 2024.

What will be provided?

During the trial, Council will temporarily provide a parklet and/or outdoor furniture and assistance with footpath dining permit applications, at no cost. The duration of the loan period for a parklet and/or outdoor furniture will depend upon interest in the project and the number of successful applicants.

  1. Parklet
    Council will provide a pre-fabricated removable structure consisting of decking and built-in-seating. Additional non-fixed items include tables and chairs. Additional infrastructure in the parklet may include a roof, functional lighting, planter boxes, planting, and other built-in furniture.
  2. Outdoor furniture
    Council will provide outdoor dining furniture to be used for footpath dining, including tables and chairs.
  3. Permit application assistance
    Successful applicants for the Outdoor Furniture and Parklet Trials will need to obtain a footpath dining permit. Some assistance may be provided by Council officers and its representatives in obtaining/amending a footpath dining permit. Footpath dining permits are currently provided at no cost by Council (some costs may be incurred by the applicant in preparing an application).

Expression Of Interest Form

The Expression of Interest opens 1 July 2024 and closes 31 August 2024.

The Outdoor Furniture and Parklet Trial will run from September 2024 to June 2025.

Further information

In determining if your business meets location requirements, local plan areas can be found through the interactive tool on Logan City Council’s PD Hub.

More information on footpath dining permits can be found: How do I get a footpath dining permit from Council? – Logan City Council

Eligible Areas

Landowners or tenants (with landowner’s written consent) of business premises within any centre in the City of Logan can apply to take part in the Outdoor Furniture and Parklet Trials.

A centre is defined by: Zoning as defined in the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 v9. Local plan areas can be found through the interactive tool on Logan City Council’s PD Hub.

The business must be open to and trade with the public, on the ground floor and on a public road or open space.

If your business is on public land, you will need to obtain a footpath dining permit.

If your business falls outside these areas, we will consider your application based on how your proposal positively contributes to the Outdoor Furniture and Parklet Trials, and Council’s Night-time Economy Strategy.

Location Criteria

Parklet Location Criteria

Only a parking space directly in front of a premises occupied by the host of the Parklet may be proposed. A Parklet can only be in a designated parking space(s) which are:

  • located on a Council owned road that has a speed limit of 50km/h or less with street lighting;
  • located in a business centre with existing pedestrian activity; and
  • located directly adjacent to/in front of the business or venue hosting the Parklet or the approved outdoor dining area (whichever is the greatest).

A Parklet can NOT be in a parking space which:

  • is within 10 metres of an intersection;
  • is within 20 metres of a signalised intersection on the approach side;
  • is located within a loading zone, clearway, disabled parking space, motorcycle parking, bus, or taxi zones. (Council may consider a variation to this requirement where the applicant demonstrates that suitable alternative arrangements can be made to compensate for the temporary loss in space);
  • contains utility access panels or fire hydrants;
  • will impede or negatively impact upon pedestrian or vehicular movement or sightlines at road junctions and vehicle access crossovers;
  • will significantly impede sightlines to neighbouring businesses; and/or
  • will impede emergency vehicle movements.

Assessment Criteria

Expressions of interest for the Outdoor Furniture and Parklet Trials will be assessed on the following criteria

High Impact

The project is highly visible and publicly accessible.

Connected to place

The project is aligned with Council’s strategic plans and contributes to place revitalisation with good engagement with the street.


While Council will ensure any necessary road and traffic requirements are met, the parklet host will be required to demonstrate public liability insurance of $20,000,000 (consistent with Council’s existing outdoor dining permit requirements).

Night Time Economy

Does the proposed business currently trade at night or proposes to trade at night for the duration of the Parklet Project trial period.

How To Apply

1. Check eligibility

2. Choose a Parklet, Outdoor Furniture, or both

3. Submit your application for the Outdoor Furniture and Parklet Trials

4. Complete your Footpath Dining Permit application, if required

5. Begin offering outdoor dining to your customers

Further Information