Buy Queensland 2023 Supplier Webinar


Buy Queensland 2023 is now live! The Department of Energy and Public Works will hold a webinar to provide suppliers with an overview of Buy Queensland 2023, what it means for suppliers, and an opportunity for suppliers to ask questions and hear from a panel of subject matter experts. Details of the webinar are as […]


Tendering for Defence Webinar


There’s no shortage of businesses like yours wanting to be part of the Defence industry. But how do you go about it? The Department of Defence isn’t like any other organisation and has its own ways of working. Tendering to Defence is also a slow burn and so you’ll need to have plenty of patience […]


Stop being attractive to hackers – online


Most small businesses are accidentally wide open to hackers, but are blissfully unaware of what they’re doing wrong. Cybersecurity never seems like a priority until you’ve been hacked, and then it’s everything! Being hacked is a bit like being burgled; you feel exposed, vulnerable, and really uncomfortable. This workshop will help you identify and plug […]


Your Business and IBA Info session


About this event This workshop is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have an idea or who are thinking about starting a business and want to hear about the preparation that may be needed in taking the next steps. The workshop also looks at the range of IBA products and services available, their […]

How to start a business as a young person


Understand what steps you need to take to start your own business as a young person. Our team of Small Business Advisors will explain the fundamentals. Find out what legal and tax obligations you may need to comply with and learn where to get help. You will work through a Business Start-Up Checklist, identify where […]

Export Documentation Online Workshop Series – May


The Export Council of Australia has developed a series of online courses for companies wanting to understand export documentation requirements and/or gain assistance in training their team in processing documentation correctly and efficiently. Seating Available: 15 Time: 1.00—3.30 pm AEST Location: The link to the online event is to be provided by the event organiser […]

Online Workshop Mailchimp for Beginners


This 1-hour workshop on Mailchimp is designed for beginners who want to learn how to effectively use this email marketing platform. The workshop will cover the basics of setting up an account, creating email campaigns, designing templates, and tracking performance. Participants will also learn about Mailchimp's features and tools that can help them grow their […]

Supplying into Major Projects – Webinar


Major projects and their associated supply chains comprise a significant part of the Queensland economy, totalling 73 per cent of GDP. In this session you will learn about what major projects are, where to find the opportunities and what you need to strengthen your capabilities, enabling you to best position your business to target upcoming […]


Your Business and IBA Info session


About this event This workshop is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have an idea or who are thinking about starting a business and want to hear about the preparation that may be needed in taking the next steps. The workshop also looks at the range of IBA products and services available, their […]

Business Essentials: Business Obligations and Finances 101


About this event This workshop is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are thinking about starting a business or who are already in business and want to get a better understanding of the statutory and legal requirements that need to be considered when operating a business in Australia. It also introduces basic financial […]

Annual General Meeting & Constitution Support


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is your once-a-year opportunity to celebrate your organisation’s achievements and share your vision for the next year with members. But for many volunteers, the AGM can be a confusing and daunting event. This free webinar will highlight the most important considerations when planning for and running your AGM. You’ll receive […]

Support to Grow your Business Webinar


Helping Queensland Businesses to better navigate State Government support The Support to Grow Your Business Webinar hosted by the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) SEQ South Regional Office in partnership with the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) will provide valuable information on Queensland Government grants, programs and […]